Applied Technology

Computers and communications technology are an integral part of our everyday life.  Business, science, entertainment and virtually all other forms of human endeavor routinely involve the use of computers and computer related technology.  Our goal is to educate students with a solid foundation in both the practical and theoretical aspects of today’s ever-changing technology.  Graduates will be prepared to effectively use technology in post high school careers and/or higher education.

The use of applied technology in the business area will help prepare students to meet the challenges of a society that is dependent on data information.  Computer technology will be integrated into classroom activities to assist the students in their school work and to help students gain skills and facility in using many of the major software tools. Broad-based content and transferable skills will be emphasized along with the attitudes necessary to pursue educational and career goals.  Courses are designed to include multiple uses of technology where emphasis will be placed on analyzing, understanding and solving problems.  Critical thinking skills will be developed in tandem with technical skills. 

There are three paths in the Applied Technology department. Students may choose courses from all three paths or follow one for a concentrated field or career choice. 

Mr. Christensen

Department Chair

Computer Science

Ms. Betti

Computer Science

Ms. Endich

Graphic Design
Web Design
Sports Marketing

Mr. Hansen


Technology Track