Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions that the counseling department receives. Some major topics include: Drivers Ed, GPA/Class Rank, Graduation Requirements, Community Service, Workers Permit,  and Tutoring.

Drivers Education

"When will I have Drivers Ed?"

"Is there a fee?"

"Why isn't Behind the Wheel on my schedule?"

"Can I get into Drivers Ed sooner?"

Please visit the Driver's Ed. Website for more information: https://dhsdriversed.weebly.com/

Grade Point Average & Class Rank

"What classes are not included in my GPA & class rank?"

"Can any of my classes from 8th grade count towards my GPA & class rank?"

"Can I repeat a course to improve GPA & class rank?"

 Graduation Requirements

"What is the minimum number of credits I need to graduate?"

"If I'm a half a credit short, can I walk across the stage with my class on graduation day?"

 Community Service

"Is Community Service a graduation requirement?"

"How many hours do I need to complete to earn community service credit?"

"How much credit is earned if I complete the requirements for community service?"

"What do I need to do to earn community service credit?"

"How many times can I do community service for .5 credit?"

"What are some common opportunities to volunteer?"

"How will community service affect my GPA?"

Work Permits

"How do I get a workers permit?"


"What are options for private tutoring?"