About Me

About Me

Hello everyone! I'm a current sophomore, a part of the class of 2026, and have attended Drew Charter since Pre-K. My favorite leisure hobbies include watching movies, drawing, dancing, and journaling. I value spending time with my family and loved ones and enjoy traveling to experience new memories. My favorite vacation was Turks & Caicos, however, I would love to visit Santorini, Greece in the future! My current dream career field is working in neurology whether that is a neurologist, neuroscientist, or neuroradiologist! I hope to advocate for more accessibility of healthcare for people of color and provide a nuanced understanding of cultural factors to my workforce.

This was an Alvin Ailey dance instructor and I in New York! I was apart of the Performing Arts New York trip, and attended a dance workshop


This is a picture of my friends and I before one the Basketball Playoff games. We all have been cheerleaders since 9th Grade, and greatly enjoy it!


This is an overhead picture at the Georgia Beta 2023-24 Convention. I ran for Georgia Beta VP against other candidates pictured above.


This was Alex Price, Taylor Harper, and I's SGA (Student Government Association) candidate table. We all won our positions and have loved being apart of SGA at Drew!
