
This is a picture of my friends and I at the One Love - Bob Marely movie on our Geurnica Field Trip. 


This is paint created using Acrylic and other  chemical substances,  created in Chemistry. 


Here is a picture of my Art group's final product of our section of the Guernica piece.


This is a rough sketch of my group's design on our section of the Guernica piece. 


Brandon Evan, Sydney Gaines, & Angela Fox - Guernica Project One Love 2024

Visual Art

In this project for ChemVAS, we were seperated into random groups of about 3-4 people and collaborated to decide on a world issue to bring awareness to. We researched about this topic and explained we want to advocate about it. Dr. Kurt taught us the history of Picasso's Guernica piece. We then created sketches and final artwork on different cut-out sections of Pablo Picasso's artwork. My group members were Angela F. and Brandon E.

World Literature

 Guernica PBL PSA Video

In this project, we distributed into groups in ELA and researched one conflict that needed awareness brought to it. We followed a template that outlined the correct steps needed to create our PSA. My group and I recorded our video and edited it in class using iPhone and iPhone editing. My group members were Laila S., Lucinda P., Avery M., and Destiny D.

Sydney Gaines - Research/Argumentative Essay Final

Thesis/Final Argumentative Essay

Here we had to develop an argumentative essay that shares our support/stance on a conflict that was depicted in our propaganda. My essay talked about the racism and injustice within the healthcare system, specifically on maternity care.  I researched information relating to this topic in articles and learned how to formally cite my evidence. Then, I followed a template outline of my essay and formed my writing after receiving peer feedback of my rough draft.

Propaganda Poster

In this assignment, we were asked to research a cause that deserves attention and to create propaganda posters for it. We learned new techniques to utilize in our propaganda, and how to effectively portray a message to an audience through these posters. 

Copy of Angela, Brandon, & Sydney - Chemistry Guernica


Guernica Chemical Paint

In Chemistry, we used the same groups in ChemVAS to complete our Forest Green Research Slides. These slides taught us new information about how paint is made by utilizing titanium dioxide iron oxide red, chrome oxide powder green, and acrylic powder. We discovered new ratios of each substance to create the correct color of Forest Green Paint. I worked with Brandon E. and Angela F. on this assingment.