Screening and Identification
How does a student qualify for AIG services?
Parents can nominate their children for AIG services by completing a form, available from Sandy Goodwin, AIG specialist. Each year, students are tested in 2nd and 6th grades, and after the nomination form is complete, those results are reviewed. The school's AIG facilitator and an AIG committee will then determine if the student is eligible for AIG services or if he or she should be assessed further.
Students who are not currently identified as AIG are monitored for signs of giftedness by the classroom teacher, in collaboration with their grade level team. Should a student show signs of being a "late bloomer" by way of data collection, a teacher in the upper elementary setting can refer students to the AIG team for dat collection and recommendation. As in the case with all recommendations, parents will be included in the discussions for determining eligibility of the student.
Students in the lower grades (K-2), who show strong signs of giftedness, are served through enrichment programs by members of the AIG Team.
Once a child has met the criteria for the identification pathway (Intellectually, Academically, Academically and Intellectually Gifted) the appropriate forms will be signed authorizing participation in AIG programs.
AIG Instructors at Mangum Elementary, through guidance from the Department of Advanced Academics, strives to design, guide and promote rigorous programs that challenge the advanced and gifted learners of Durham Public Schools. Working together we will ensure that all DPS students have access to programs and courses that enhance and broaden opportunities for further education and career success.
For a detailed look at the AIG identification process, click HERE.
Sandy Goodwin, AIG Specialist
Amy Beebe, AIG instructor
Sandy Shaw, AIG instructor
Jenny West, AIG instructor
Christy Wright, AIG instructor