NC Program Standards and DPS Local AIG Plan
AIG Program Standards
The NC AIG Program Standards were approved by the State Board of Education on July 9, 2009. Revised program standards were approved as State Board of Education Policy in June 2018. The NC AIG Program Standards have been developed to serve as a statewide framework and guide LEAs to develop, coordinate, and implement thoughtful and comprehensive AIG programs. These standards reflect Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5-.08) and nationally-accepted best practices in gifted education.
Furthermore, the AIG Program Standards help ensure that the needs of AIG students are met and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed. The Program Standards serve as the official guidelines for the development of local AIG plans.
The most recent adopted North Carolina AIG Program Standards can be accessed through the link below:
The most recent edition of the Durham Public Schools AIG Plan can be found through this link: