Facility Condition Assessment Program (FCAP)

The Denver Public Schools Facility Condition Assessment Program (FCAP) is responsible for managing the process and analysis associated with the assessment of the physical condition of a facility and its equipment. The FCAP is also responsible for maintaining accurate and timely Facility Condition Index (FCI) scores for all buildings and System Condition Index (SCI) scores for their systems in an effort to assist District leadership in making informed decisions about how to invest in its properties.

The Facility Condition Assessment Program provides a standard framework District decision-makers at all levels can utilize to make informed and objective financial decisions on repairs and potential replacements required at our facilities. This is achieved through the cyclical and continuous assessments of district facilities.


A facility condition assessment is a process that analyzes the physical condition of a facility and its equipment. The assessment takes several factors into account including building age, design, assets, materials used, and more. Maintaining a facility condition assessment program is crucial in monitoring a building’s health and performance in the long run. Without accurate building data, budgeting and capital planning will be based on experience and a general guess.

An FCA allows operations teams to arrive at an estimate of reinvestment costs that are defensible with evidence, so a decision can be made to restore, replace, or maintain defective systems and assets. It also allows for the use of data and reports to prioritize projects for maintenance, repair, or renewal. The end result of a facility condition assessment is an accurate, objective view of your building and assets’ physical health. Armed with this information, DPS will be prepared to target capital investments and meet District goals.

Each assessment results in updated condition data and an executive summary. The purpose of the executive summary is to answer the four fundamental questions underlying an objective


  1. What is owned (Current Replacement Value)?

  2. What is the current-state of condition (Facility Condition Index)?

  3. What are the estimated direct costs* to maintain (Funding Needs)?

  4. How to strategically plan for the future needs (Priority Planning)?

This summary and report is based on field assessments, interviews with internal staff, 3rd party assessor’s professional opinions, and comparative analysis of assessment items within our 3rd party vendor’s expansive facility condition assessment database.