Alternate Funding Process

Minor modifications to the building that fall outside the definition of standard maintenance may require alternate funding to be identified. Some examples of non-maintenance requests would be: Changing the finish colors of a classroom, or adding additional outlets to a room.

Once funding has been identified for the requesting project, a ticket is entered into Tririga and the Building Modification form will need to be completed and submitted to the First Call Center. This form can be found on The Commons and linked below. The work will be quoted and executed by either a DPS approved contractor or a Facility Maintenance Shop- dependent on the scope of work.

To see the full memo and process for Alternate Funding please click here.

Facility Modification Request Form

Please view additional information on the Facility Modification Approval Process here.

Standard maintenance is defined as maintaining all existing interior and exterior surfaces as nearly and as long as possible in their original condition taking into consideration normal wear and tear.