Hanging Artwork and Teaching Materials

To ensure the safety of all building occupants, all materials hanging on walls and in corridors must meet the Denver Fire Code. Buildings are inspected yearly by the Denver Fire Department, and their directive should be followed when reviewed. These guidelines and regulations are in place to ensure that there is not a continuous combustible surface that will spread flame across the wall in case of a fire.

In classrooms materials may not exceed 40% of the total wall area Exterior windows and windows to interior doors shall not be covered. Exit corridor walls may not exceed 20% of total wall area. Materials cannot be within three feet of the exit access. Wire or cords used to suspend materials shall not form a continuous combustible curtain.

There shall be a minimum clearance of seven (7) feet from the floor to the lowest portion of the display. Materials shall not obstruct or compromise in any manner the fire sprinkler or fire detection systems.

Please review the entire direction for hanging materials here.

Need more information on decorating per Facilities and Regulatory Agency Standards? View the Classroom and building decorating guidelines here.

Quick guidelines for decorating can be found here, please feel free to distribute and hang! This flyer can be found here.