Kiln Installation and Removal

Purchase and installation of kilns must meet all current established and amended safety guidelines and standards.

Guidelines must be followed to ensure the classroom continues to be a safe and functional location in the school. It is the requestor and the schools responsibility to make sure that the correct process is followed, as well as to fund any costs associated with installation or removal and purchase of the kiln.

Prior to purchase, removal or installation the work order must be submitted to the First Call Center. Installation of a kiln will include assessment of the ventilation and electrical access as well as confirmation that the location will be in compliance with the Denver Fire Department and the Building Code standards.

Please view additional information on the Kiln Installation and Removal Process here.

If facility work occurs without this review and coordination and is deemed unsafe or unsightly, Facility Management reserves the right to remove said work, make repairs or alterations necessary to remove and remedy the defective work at the customer’s expense.