Creating a New Classroom

This section is to provide you with a guide on the basics of how to create a Google Classroom where you can set announcements, reminders and assignments for students.

Creating the class

Once you are signed in and on the Google Classroom homepage you should see a '+' symbol, click this and select 'Create class'.

Class details

Once you have clicked 'Create class' a window will appear; the only required field is the 'Class name'. While the other fields are optional we recommend using them as when you have a lot of classrooms it could help you to identify the one you are looking for. Once you have inputted a name and optionally a section and subject, click the create button. You will now be taken directly to the new classroom you have created.

It is important to note that these details you input here CAN be changed later.

All Resources
Google Main Page
Google Classroom Main Page