
Important Vocabulary for this Unit

Aborigines: the indigenous population in Australia.

    • The Aborigines were negatively impacted by colonization, and today they are mostly integrated into modern Australian society.

colonize(d)/ colonialism: one country taking control over another country/area so it can control its resources and/or people.

    • Great Britain colonized Australia as a place to send their criminals, so it became known as a "convict colony."

diversity/ diverse: a range of different things; can be about race, religion, culture, ethnicity, and so on.

    • Australia is known for its diverse animals, some of which are extremely dangerous.

drought: Not enough rain, water supply isn’t enough for the people live in the area.

    • Many people who live in the Australian Outback build dugouts underground to escape the extreme heat, which lead to droughts.

Outback: a large, mostly unpopulated area of Australia that covers almost 3/4 of the continent

    • The Australian Outback is also called "The Great Empty" because it is so huge and remote.

rural: a place where there are few people living in a relatively large amount of space

    • New Zealand has transitioned from mostly rural farmland to a country with more cities and urban areas.

tourism: a part of the service industry; providing the organization and operation of vacations and visits to places of interest.

    • Surprisingly, Antarctica has tourists who can do activities like kayaking, riding in a helicopter, and meeting penguins.

urban: a place with a large population (a lot of people) in a relatively small space.

    • Sydney is probably the most famous urban city in Australia, home to the Sydney Opera House but it is not the capitol city.