Nothing but Nets

Steph Curry helping to distribute malaria nets

Nothing but Nets distributes nets for Africans to sleep under to prevent getting malaria from mosquito bites

Nothing But Nets is an organization that works with people around the world to raise funds (money) and awareness about malaria and also advocate for prevention of the disease.

Malaria is a disease caused by a single bite from a mosquito carrying the disease. All of the mosquitoes that carry the disease are female and they usually feed at night meaning that is when the bites usually occur. Malaria is particularly devastating in Africa where it is the leading killer of children. In fact, there are 10 new cases of malaria every second. Every 60 seconds a child in Africa dies from a malaria infection. Additionally, 90% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa.

What Nothing But Nets does is raise funds to send nets over to Africa. Hanging nets in homes has proven to be a good, trusted solution. In high coverage areas, bed nets can reduce the incidence of malaria by 90%. Since 2006, Nothing But Nets has raised more than $45 million, delivering more than 7 million bed nets to protect families in Sub-Saharan Africa. A disease that used to kill one child every 30 seconds now kills one child every 60 seconds (less children dying!).

Nothing But Nets identifies areas of greatest need across Sub-Saharan Africa. Countries are chosen based on the prevalence and spread of disease, the number of years since they last received nets, and the willingness and preparedness of local governments. This process is necessary to ensure that each campaign is efficient, effective, and sustainable.

All of the planning, coordination, cooperation, implementation and education ensure that a bed net will make it into the hands of a family in need, into a home, and over a bed to protect the lives of the people sleeping under it.

Over the years, thousands of people have joined the movement to send nets and save lives. Nothing But Nets has partnered with numerous people and programs in order to raise funds. The commitment of basketball players, pop stars, religious leaders, and regular folks inside and outside the United States proves that anyone can send a net and save a life.

Malaria is a big problem – and the disease has big consequences for families, communities, and countries. This organization has a simple message: “Malaria kills. Nets save lives. Send a net. Save a Life.”