
Directions: Use the information below to fill out each section of your worksheet. Stay focused and be responsible for your learning.


Diversity: the state of having people who are of different races, cultures, or experiences together in the same place or group

Immigration: the action of moving permanently to a foreign country (these people are called immigrants)

Racial diversity

Religious diversity

Occupation (job) diversity

Part 1 - "America is Beautiful" commercial

Directions: Watch the video "America is Beautiful," then answer these questions:

1. In your opinion, what is the purpose of this video?

2. Why do you think Coca Cola named their commercial "America is Beautiful"?

3. Do you think the commercial presents a positive or negative view of America's diversity? Why?

Part II - Ellis Island

Directions: Read the article and answer the questions on your handout.

The Statue of Liberty was made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi who worked closely with Gustave Eiffel, the artist who designed the Eiffel Tower. This towering monument to liberty (freedom) was a gift from France on the 100th anniversary of American independence in 1886. It stands in the middle of the New York harbor.

In the early 1900s, boats bringing immigrants (people who permanently move from one country to another) from Europe to the United states would pass by the Statue of Liberty on their way to Ellis Island, New York. Ellis Island was the immigration office for the United States. Once they arrived in the U.S., new immigrants would get their papers checked and have a health examination. This was the first step in welcoming immigrants to the United States. From there, some stayed in New York and others moved on to new lives all over the country.

​“Lady Liberty” was a symbol of freedom and opportunity for millions of immigrants who came to the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s.

An immigrant boat passes by the Statue of Liberty on its way to Ellis Island, 1900

Immigrants wait on Ellis Island, waiting to be admitted into their new country, the United States, early 1900s

Modern-day aerial view of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, outside of New York

Questions for Part II:

1. What was Ellis Island?

2. What did new immigrants have to do upon arrival to the U.S.?

3. What does “Lady Liberty” stand as a symbol of?

4. How do you think the immigrants felt upon arrival at Ellis Island? Why?

Part III - “Interview” one of the immigrants by reading one card

Directions: choose one of the immigrant stories below to read and fill out your notes

Name: ______________________________ Age: _________ Grade:________

Current Home: _____________________________ Place of Origin: _______________________________

  1. Why did they move to the United States?
  2. Summarize what life was like in their home country.
  3. Summarize what life is like in the United States.

Part IV: Reflection

Each response must be 2-3 complete sentences.

1. How does the United States’ long history of immigration make it diverse?

The United States’ long history of immigration makes it diverse because…

2. Do you think diversity in the United States is a good thing? Why or why not?

Diversity in the United States is…