Speed Skating Boys

Gold Medalist: Evan from Australia/Oceania. Silver Medalist: Ian from Africa. Bronze Medalist: Luke from Asia

Evan took the Gold!

Boys Speed Skating: Australia takes the Gold

Written by Chloe Davis

On February 28, 2022, Evan from Australia took the speed skating gold medal. It started off with a match between Luke Monnier and Chase Morrill. Luke was unsure of his ability in the beginning, for not being on skates in many months. Chase was feeling very confident in his abilities, despite being the lowest seed. However, after a close start, Chase fell to the ground, along with his dreams of taking home a gold medal. Luke crossed the finish line and then also fell, but he still moved on.

The second match was previous winner Luke Monnier against number one seed Evan O’Kresik. Evan was feeling slow in the practice round, and with a broken skate, he wasn’t sure about a victory. Luke started off in the lead, but Evan soon passed him. And after Luke took a tumble, Evan cruised to the finish, earning his spot in the final competition.

The next match was Ian Boudreau against Trae Davis. Ian said at the beginning “I feel great.” Trae was slightly less confident, even after beating Ian in the practice round. This time, Ian got off to a good start, but Trae was not far behind. Trae lost his rhythm as Ian found his, and Ian earned a spot in the final spot.

Before the final round, it was time for the bronze medal round. Trae Davis against Luke Monnier. Luke and Trae were neck and neck in the beginning. Luke inched his way ahead, with the crowd screaming for him to win. Trae once again fell short, and Luke ended his run with yet another tumble, but he still managed to take the bronze.

For the final round, for the gold, it was Ian Boudreau against Evan O’Kresik. Evan started off with an early lead, and things were not looking good for Ian. Evan flew through the course with ease, and he took home the gold for Australia. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Speed Skating

By: Brody Bilodeau

The event started with Luke and Chase, Luke took the lead and kept it the entire time. The second round was Evan against Luke, at first none of them were taking the lead until Evan got in the lead and beat Luke. The third match was against Trae and Ian, Ian got a massive head start while Trae was getting slowed down until Ian got to the finish. The finals had ian from africa and evan from Oceania, both started with immense speed, evan taking the lead while iIan was close behind. Evan soon gained distance and got to the finish line first. Giving Oceania the gold in speed skating. Contestants like Ian thought the competition “was tough”. The winner, Evan thought, “It was fun”. The person in 2nd place was Ian and 3rd place was Trae.

Boys Speed Skating

Denali Anselmo

March 3rd, 2021

Word Count: 412

Everyone is excited and a little nervous about how this day is going to turn out. Everyone is confident. The contestants are Trey, Luke, Chase, Evan, And Ian. The first race is between Luke and Chase. 1, 2, 3, and go. The racers speed through the start of the race. At the first corner Luke starts to make an exceptional lead. The race remained close until Chase fell going around the first corner of the scond lap. Luke speeds ahead and wins the race Over Chase. Now Luke is Faceing Evan. The race starts. Luke has a tiny lead in the start. Luke is quickly passed by Evan on the first corner. Evan speeds ahead, making a lead. This lead is never broken and Evan wins the race, now he is in the finals race. The next race is against Trey and Ian. The race started and at the beginning it was clear who was going to be the winner. Ian speeds passed Trey and never looks back. Ian is now in the finals with Evan. The next race is between Trey and Luke for the bronze medal. The race is decently close, with Luke in the lead. Luke goes full speed into the finish line, sliding at the end into the bleachers. Luke wins Bronze. Now it is time for the race for the gold medal. The race is between Ian and Evan. When the race starts, Evan speeds ahead. Evan holds a lead the whole race and beats Ian, bringing home the gold for Oceania and Australia. Even getting a personal record for the track on this run. At the end for fun, the victors from Each gender, which are Evan and Eve, have a race. There was no question who was going to win. Evan beats Eve and wins. After the race it is time for interviews. Luke was interviewed first, he said that he did just about as good as he thought he would. Next was Chase. He was clearly not happy about how he did. The word he said was horrible, with no other comment. Next was Evan. Evan says he is actually surprised that he won and that the races went well. Next up was Ian. He said that It was tough, but at least I ended up getting a silver medal for Africa. Next was Trey, He said that he thinks he did ok.

February 28, 2022

The winter Olympics Continued with speed skating boys. The competitors were Luke Monnier, Evan O’Kresik, Ian Boudreau, Chase Morrill, and Trae Davis. I asked some of the competitors a common question: Who will be a problem for you in the race? Luke Monnier said “Evan” Wise words. “Chase” More wise words from Ian Boudreau, Evan O’Kresik said “Lukey is the main one I’m worried about.”

I also ask some spectators who they think is going to win Big Q said “ Ian or Evan” Braedon said “I don’t care, I just wanna watch” DJ said “Between Ian and Luke” I even asked one of the girl skaters if they had to race the boys who would be a problem They said “Trae is the most competitive… so yeah Trae”

In the first round was Chase VS Luke, Luke sped around chase folding his ankles and Luke went to the next round. In the Next round Evan raced around Luke beating him and progressing to the next match. Ian Flew across the gym leaving Trae behind eliminating Trae out of the competition. For a bronze medal Luke went full throttle securing bronze for Asia, Evan Stole gold while Ian was close behind but got silver instead. The winner was Evan O'Kresik, Tarkwin Signing off.

Luke Monnier Ian Boudreau Evan O'Kresik

Asia Africa Australia

3rd 2nd 1st