Partner Figure Skating

Gold Medalists: Eve & Chloe from Australia/Oceania. Silver Medalists: Ian & Abby from Africa. Bronze Medalists: Denali & Aiden from the Americas

Figure Skating

Sophia Bywater

Figure skating took place in the gym at 2:00pm. There were six judges, Violet, Nick, Braden, Even, and Trevor. The person who kept the time for the skating was Parker. The math keepers were Laura and Oran. The main judges were Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Handley, and Mr. Paul. The music player was Natile, she had perfect timing for each act and was a pro at timing it. The contestants were Abby and Ian from Africa, Eve and Chole from Australia, Cali and Noah from Asia, and Frany and Ashlyn from Europe.

The contestants from Europe had stunning costumes and amazing moves. Their acts were risky, skating backwards and spinning all around. The outfits matched perfectly with the song playing for their act. The final act was outstanding, and the judges were pretty happy with the act. The judges voted high scores for their act and the crowd had loud cheering for them.

Australia picked an amazing song for their act. The lights for their act had such a vibe and everyone loved it. The costumes were marvelous and were very cute. They had great moves and fairly smooth spins. Eve did an incredible cartwheel on skates and the crowd went wild after that unbelievable move. Chloe and Eve had an amazing handshake and it was very creative. Their props were amazing and they matched the song perfectly. Chole picked up Eve and the crowd was stunned. The judges were also stunned by the act and most of them voted 10 for Australia.

Our contestants from America had dragon castle music playing and there was amazing sword fighting. There were risky moves, smooth acts, and great spins. The acting for the play was super talented and was incredible. The play was very amusing and the judges loved it and there were some pretty high votes for them.

Africa started off with the crowd cheering for them. There was some complication, including: missing contestants, and injured contestants that could not perform. There were strong handshakes and amazing basketball moves. There were risky spins in the act and great moves. The turns in their act were very hard to make and there were amazing backward spins. There were amazing passes and fairly smooth acts. The judges loved the act and gave a high score.

Asia had good spins and good moves, although they didn't have much props for the act. Mrs. Philips says “There wasn't as much involved with the others. They didn't have as much going on and didnt have as many props.” In the end, they did have good backwards skating and okay cheering for the final act.

The end result is as shown… coming in 3rd place a bronze medal goes to America with 167 points. In 2rd place is a silver medal Africa with 178 points. Coming in 1st place is Ociana with a whooping 193 points! The cheering from spectators really shows how much thought and work was put into these acts. The bows from the contestants were very pleased and they sure looked proud after their performance.

Eve was a blur due to her amazing stunts!

Olympic Figure Skating Report

Sophie Eckmann

March 2022

The Olympic figure skating competition was held on Wednesday, March 2nd at 2:00. All of the skating groups had time before the competition to practice their routines. There were 3 official judges Mrs.Handley, Mr.Paul and Ms.Phillips. Some of the Oceania team members were doing some judging but their opinions were not official, they were just for fun. The order of the competitors was Asia, Europe, Oceania, Americas and then Africa. Asia was up first with Callie and Noah. Their pre-competition quote was, “Little nervous but excited.” They thought that they were going to get silver. Their song of choice was Running in the 90’s. Callie and Noah started off strong but in the end they were stumbling a bit. They scored 132. Asia after competition quote was, “We did good.”

Next up was Franchesca and Ashlyn from Europe. Their pre-competition quote was, “We are both very confident and going for gold.” Fran was wearing a devil/demon costume and Ashlyn was wearing a trench coat and carrying an ax. The song of choice was Demons by Imagine Dragons. They were very confident and did very well. They scored 165. Their after competition quote was “ We are a little bummed but happy.”

Next was Oceania with Chloe and Eve. Their pre-comp quote was, “We are going to win but nobodys going to remember it.” They were very confident and thought that they were going to get gold. Their song was Breaking Free from High School Musical. Chloe and Eve both had costumes and props. They also had a lot of crowd participation. They scored 193. Their after competition quote was, “LITERALLY AWESOME!”

After that we had Aiden and Denali from the Americas. Their pre-comp quote was, “Feeling pretty rambunctious.” The song that they used was Epic Battle music. Their performance was a cool battle scene. They had swords and fancy helmets on. They scored 167. Their after comp quote was, “Pretty Good.” Lastly for our competitions today we had Ian and Abby from Africa. Africa had some difficulties in finding someone to do this competition, Ian had to step in at the last minute. Their pre comp quote was, “ We have the easy dub even though we were just told that we have to do this.” They thought that they were going to get silver and they thought right. Their song was Like Mike We’re Playing Basketball. They did really good under the circumstances and pulled through. They scored 178. Their after competition quote was, “We are so happy and shocked.”

The results from this competition are, for Bronze we have the Americas with 167 points, Silver was Africa with 178 points and the winner for gold was Oceania with 193 points. Our final quote from our winners Eve and Chloe was, “This was Absolutely Amazing!” Everyone did an amazing job!!

Figure Skating Report

Erin Pierce

On March 2nd, 2022, Dedham School gathered together to watch the final event of the Dedham Middle School Winter Olympics, partner figure skating. I interviewed all of the teams before the event, most of them were nervous yet excited. Both Eve Pierson and Chloe Davis from Oceania were confident about their routine. Davis had said, “We’re pretty confident, but a little unprepared”. “I’m pretty busy. Pretty pretty pretty busy. Excited.” said the famous Mrs. Kearns while she was setting up the event. There were many judges, including student judges from Oceania who were scoring by numbers 1-10. The other judges were Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Paul, and Mrs. Handley. Laura Annis and Oran Saar were also helping keep track of the points from the official judges.

First came Asia, with Callie Hanscom and Noah Vallor. They did very well, considering how nervous they both had told me they were before the competition - “Horrible and nervous,” Hanscom had said after I asked her how she was feeling. They skated to the song called “Running in the 90s”. The audience cheered many times when they held hands and skated in the circle. Up next was Europe with Ashlyn Dearborn and Franchesca Vidal. They had amazing costumes on. The song was “Demons”, relating to the routine because Franchesca was dressed as a demon and Ashlyn was in a large coat and hat. They finished it off with Ashlyn attacking Franchesca with her ax.

After Europe came Oceana, with Chloe Davis and Eve Pierson competing. They were very confident before the competition and had lots of props for their routine. They had turned the lights off and had disco lights on. They were dressed up in bee costumes while skating to “Break Free” from the famous High School: The Musical. Eve even did a cartwheel during the routine. They got almost all 10s from the student judges. At the end, Pierson had said she felt absolutely amazing, while Davis had said, “Literally so awesome”.

Then next was Aiden Shulman and Denali Anselmo from The Americas. During their routine, they fought with swords and armor to the song “Epic Battle Song”. They tricked the audience at the end by thinking that Aiden won the battle because Denali was on the ground, but Denali tricked Aiden and Denali won the battle. After their routine, Anselmo had said; “I feel like we probably could’ve done better but we still did good”. Last, but not least, was Abby Coleman and Ian Boudrea from Africa. Coleman was very nervous before the routine. She had said, “I feel like we’re gonna come in last place. What if I fall on purpose?!”. They put together a quick routine in just an hour because Abby’s skating partner was absent from school on this day. They used basketballs during the competition and skated to the song “We’re Playing Basketball”. They received lots of applause at the end.

In the end, all the skaters stood together holding hands while anxiously waiting for the results.. Bronze was awarded to Aiden Shulman and Denali Anselmo from The Americas with 167 points. Holding the silver medal was Africa with 178 points, their skaters Abby Coleman and Ian Boudrea were very excited about this. Finally, taking the gold with no surprise was Chloe Davis and Eve Pierson from Oceania with 193 points. They were not shocked that they won, and said that they felt amazing. Everyone had a great time at the event, and hopefully we are able to do this again.

Figure Skating

By: Julia Turner

On Wednesday afternoon all 2022 Dedham Olympic figure skaters took to the ice in search of a metal. First on the ice were Callie Hanscom and Noah Mayhew for Asia. They skated to the song Running In The ’90s. Hanscom and Mayhew quickly showed their love for their signature link of the arms and spin around the middle. Hanscom and Mayhew swiped their credit cards to the lyrics of Running In The ’90s.

Up next were Franchesca Vidal and Ashlyn Dearborn for Europe. Vidal was dressed as a demon and Dearborn was wearing a trench coat with a sword in hand. During practice the pair was still unsure what song they would choose to perform; however, their costumes fit the song very well. In the end, the pair chose the song demons. As Dearborn struck Vidal with a sword the crowd gasped as the music came to a pause.

Up next were Eve Pierson and Chloe Davis for Australia/Oceania. The lights went off as the pair dressed as bees took the ice. The song they chose was Breaking Free. Midway through the performance, Pierson landed a cartwheel on skates, causing the crowd to go wild. Then Davis tossed Pierson into the air and Pierson landed the toss! Then the pair did a tik-tok dance that caused the teens in the audience to laugh. To top it off the pair laid on the ice, posing like they were on a beach despite the coldness of the ice.

Up next for the Americas were Aiden Shulman and Denali Anselmo. The pair was decked out in hats with swords in hand. The pair created an epic fighting scene that included skating backward, forwards, and linking together. The fighting made the audience laugh and gasp. In the end, Anselmo killed Shulman causing Shulman to fall to the ice.

Africa had to make some last-minute changes due to absences. Competing for Africa were Abby Coleman and understudy Ian Boudreau. They chose the song We’re playing basketball. The pair rolled onto the ice with basketballs in hand. They showed their love for basketball. Their talent peaked as they skated and dribbled. Boudreau ended the performance by putting his arm around Coleman, making the crowd gasp.

After all the partners competed Judge Handley, Judge Phillips, and Judge Paul handed their scoring for each group over to Oran Saar and Laura Annis of Oceania/Australia to tally up all the votes.

The microphone was handed over to Oran Saar and Laura Annis to announce placing. The bronze medal was awarded to Denali Anselmo and Aiden Shulman from the Americas. The judges gave them a score of 167 out of a possible 204. The silver medal was awarded to Ian Boudreau and Abby Coleman of Africa. They received a 178 out of a possible 204. The gold medal was awarded to Eve Pierson and Chloe Davis of Oceania/Australia. Pierson and Davis scored an amazing 193 out of a possible 204 points. Piersons cartwheel and the pair's jump was enough to more than please the judges. Ashlyn Dearborn and Francesca Vidal Finished with 165 points. Callie Hanscom and Noah Mayhew ended up with 132 points. Great job to all contestants!

Dedham News

Figure Skating

Amelia Turner

On March 2nd many were feeling ready for the figure skating competition and some weren’t. 5 teams sent out two players to make a partner routine on skates. All the skaters were very talented but some were flying and soaring above the rest.

First up we had Asia, they sent Callie and Noah. They did a routine with a song called Running In The 90’s. Their routine included a couple of big circles then they spun and did the contact part where they went around in a circle grabbing hands and spinning.

Up next was Europe. They sent the talented hockey player, Ashlyn, that’s good on skates with Franchesca who was a devil. Ashlyn was trying to kill the devil with a double sided ax. She was successful and so was their routine.

Oceania sent highly skilled skaters, Eve Pierson and Chloe Davis. Their routine was amazing, there was no plot, but there was action. Eve did a cartwheel and they were both dressed as bees. They linked arms and did the wave. The judges were amazed and had lots of good things to say.

The Americas, Aiden and Denali were filled with battle with swords and helmets and chasing along with some fighting and battling. Last but not least was Africa. They did a basketball one on one routine and they used their space in the gym very wisely. There was competitiveness and a cool move at the end.

The Americas won bronze with a final score of 167, winning silver with a score of 178 was Africa and bringing home gold with a final score of 193 was Oceania.