Club fair floods breezeway with after school options
Clubs aim to be a place for students to get involved with the community around them, find spaces to be with like-minded people and make new friends
Despite the first chilly, rainy day of fall, on September 25th students flooded the breezeway during lunch to get involved with the community in this year’s club fair.
Students and club advisors showcased a majority of the 35+ active clubs available to David Douglas students, gaining the attention of potential members through fun signs, free candy and chances at entering raffles. For students who were unable to attend the club fair, sign ups are still available on the 5-Star app and website.
A few of the many clubs promoted include culturally focused clubs like Black Student Union, Asian Student Union, Latino Student Union, Indigenous Student Union, Muslim Student Association, and Pacific Islander Club, service based clubs like Civic Scholars, Key Club, Red Cross Club and Student Health Advisory Committee and plenty of others like Model UN, Mock Trial, Stem Club, Rocket Club, Disc Golf Club, Clay Club, French Club and Garden Club.
Clubs aim to be a place for students to get involved with the community around them, find spaces to be with like-minded people and make new friends
Junior Allan San is a 3rd year member of ASU. “We learn about cultural education, about AAPI, and we make fund raisers for our school,” said San. “I love how I get to get involved with my Asian community at this school, and I get to make friends.”