4th grade

Country of Study: Argentina 🇦🇷

Theme for Q4

This quarter, students will learn about climate and weather and its influence on clothing. Students will learn about ponchos, worn in Argentina in other countries throughout South America. 

Quarter 4 Objectives: Novice Mid - Novice High

Theme for Q3

This quarter, students will learn about landforms and geographic features found in Argentina. They will practice how to read a map and to describe places using es (is, for description), está (is, for location), tiene (has) and hay (there is/there are).

Quarter 3 Objectives: Novice Mid - Novice High

Theme for Q2

This quarter, students will learn about cities and their places and transportation. Students will practice the verb IR (to go) so that they can discuss how they move around. They will use this new vocabulary to compare Buenos Aires with Chicago.

Quarter 2 Objectives: Novice Mid

Theme for Q1

This quarter, students will learn how to talk about their daily routine, or actions they complete every day. They will compare routines with classmates and with the schedules of students in Argentina. 

Quarter 1 Objectives: Novice Mid

For more specific information about study resources and assignments, please visit the Spanish Google Classroom page for your grade level with a student log-in. Please remember that students should be studying 5-10 minutes per day.