KS3 Textiles

Year 7

In Year 7 Textiles we introduce basic textiles routines, methods and skills. We do sessions on how to use the sewing machine safely and what to do when things don't work as expected. Over the series of lessons we make a mobile phone holder out of fabric. We introduce and use a variety of different surface decoration techniques to embellish the different sides of the holder before sewing it all together and stuffing it. Some of the skills that are embedded within the course include: creativity, independence, team work, problem solving and lateral thinking. All of these skills can be used throughout the school in many other subjects and this in itself helps in developing students' self confidence and resilience.

Crisp packet project Lesson 1
Crisp packet project Lesson 2
Crisp packet project Lesson 3 & 4
Crisp packet project Lessons 5-11
Crisp packet logo design feedback lesson
crisp packet project deisgn work template.pdf