Tower Gardens

Learn how to harvest from our Tower Gardens!
CUE Wellness has 4 Tower Gardens located around campus! These greens are free to be harvested when they're all grown up, so help yourself! There is harvesting information and (soon to come) a demonstration below!
Tower locations:
Library (Basement)
Where the Eagles Fly
Ralph King (2nd floor)
Employee Lounge (Employees only)
Did you know we grow greens and herbs on campus in 4 Tower Gardens?
A Tower Garden is a hydroponic grow system which we are using to grow kale, lettuce, rainbow chard, basil, mint and sage. The tower is monitored weekly to ensure it has enough water and nutrients for optimal growth. We have 3 towers on campus where students can help themselves (library basement, Where the Eagles Fly and 2nd floor of Ralph King). Our fourth tower in the lounge is dedicated to employees.
Paper bags are available along with harvesting instructions at each tower. Help yourself!
So far each tower has been producing about 15 bags of fresh greens every month.
Gathering Gorgeous Greens
Greens—such as lettuce, kale, chard and others—can be harvested using the individual leaf method, so you may always have fresh ingredients on hand for salads and other healthy dishes.
Individual leaf. This technique keeps the plant alive and encourages continued production. When there are plenty of mature leaves present:
Harvest only a few leaves at a time, from the bottom of the plant
Allow 2-3 leaves to remain so the plant may keep growing.
Repeat every 2-3 days.
Harvesting Healthy Herbs
It seems a little counter intuitive, but typically the more herbs you harvest, the more you will grow. And there’s no such thing as too many herbs! Here are a few guidelines to remember when harvesting herbs (sage, basil, mint):
Harvest frequently to encourage healthy, bushy growth.
Harvest no more than 1/3 of the plant at a time.