Meet the Team
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We are looking for Peer Wellness volunteers for the 2024/25 year! Peer Wellness student volunteers offer a variety of events, activities, campaigns, workshops, and other exciting initiatives throughout the year focused on wellness.
Click here to learn more and to apply!
CUE Wellness
Hi there! My name is Billie Brown (she/her) and I'm CUE's Campus Life Wellness Coordinator. I have a BA, majoring in psychology, with a minor in sociology. I am a very passionate individual who advocates for mental health and well-being. I have gained an abundance of knowledge regarding health promotion and can't wait to put this towards my work at CUE!
As I am originally from BC, I love spending time outdoors and enjoying nature. All year round, I am hiking, exploring, and staying by the lakes! I am also very passionate about dance and yoga.
It's nice to Virtually meet you!
Peer Wellness
My name is Alyse (all pronouns). I’m in my second year of my Bachelor of Arts in English and the president of the CUE Pride Association. This is my first year on the Peer Wellness Team, and I’m excited to advocate and educate for harm reduction, mental and sexual health, inclusion, diversity, and equity. In my spare time outside of student life, I teach English as a second language, write and draw art for my blog, learn Chinese and Japanese, and play video games with my wife. I was a massage therapist for 12 years before becoming an English teacher. When I wasn’t at work doing intense sports recovery therapy, I spent much time volunteering and educating others about sexual health and self-care. Even though I absolutely loved working as a massage therapist, I always wanted to be a teacher and decided to pursue my dream. I look forward to working with the Peer Wellness Team and bringing my experience and passion to the table!
Good Morning, Miracles. My name is Daniil Iaskelevich (Pronounced as Dani is ill without "is"), but you can call me Daniel. This is my second lap on the Peer Wellness team but my third year as a student at CUE. I do not psychoanalyze everyone, my major is Psychology, and I am a deep thinker, the minor is Philosophy, but also find Drama and English fascinating. I adore jazz, cats, and humans. I am fond of writing poems and stories, socializing, painting, dancing, getting something NOT burned when cooking, challenging myself to do difficult things, playing video games, and other fabulous stuff. I am selfish, which is why I would like to find even more friends and people I can connect with, and that is my primary reason for joining Peer Wellness in the first place. If I understand more people, then there is a better chance I will try to make them happy. Love/evoL've.
Hello, my name is Meghann (she/her). I am a psychology major and sociology minor. This is my second year on the Peer Wellness Team. Last year, my roles on campus were Menstrual Equity, Pleasure Plaza, and Peer Support. I am super passionate about mental health and well being. I am an advocate for kindness, concerts, and the colour pink. I’m looking forward to another great year working with the team!