
Accessing CPCC WiFi from your ChromeBook:

Accessing the CPCC Cloud Desktop

The Central Piedmont Cloud allows students, faculty, and staff to securely access the campus internet network, classroom software, employee tools, and other Central Piedmont-licensed applications from your personal device from anywhere you have an internet connection, whether you are on campus or off campus. 

If a website or function you need to a CPCC class is blocked on your CMS Chromebook, this  should allow you to access it more freely.

Go to - Log in with CP ID and Password

Full details and support can be found here: 

Clearing storage space on your Chromebook

If you are getting a "hard disk full" error on your chromebook, try clearing space using this tutorial.

"If your Chromebook is running low on disk space, we recommend deleting files you don't need anymore. Chromebooks are built and sold with the idea that you'll use cloud storage for most if not all of your files. This web-centric view of the laptop makes Chromebooks easy to operate and inexpensive to acquire, but Chromebooks are not without some local storage. Because local storage is deemphasized on a Chromebook, finding it isn't always straightforward. With this guide, I'll show you how to access your Chromebook's local storage, find out how much free space remains and how to save, delete and move files"

BrightSpace Help: 

Need help accessing PowerSchool/NCEdCloud?

Need help logging in to your ChromeBook from home? 

First time accessing your Google account or Chromebook?

Username: CMS student ID number

Default Password: PwyyyymmddCMS 

ClassLink / LaunchPad Student Guide:

Need to access Canvas?