Standard of Dress
Standard of Dress
Clover High School promotes and believes in appropriate dress for our students during school hours, events and anytime students are officially representing our school. The school faculty, staff, and administration reserve the right to determine what is appropriate dress or accessory while students are in school. Link to Board Policy
Required lengths of skirts/shorts:
Measurement using fingertips when standing upright: shorts or bottom hem must come to the bottom of the thumb
Holes in garments or exposed skin are prohibited above the required length of shorts/skirts
Pajamas and bedroom shoes are not allowed other than on approved spirit days
The width of straps on tops must be at least the width of three fingers
No visible undergarments (such as when pants are worn below the waist) or items worn as undergarments
No exposed midriff
The following items are not allowed:
Chains of any sort
Spiked accessories of any kind
Clothing with vulgar, obscene, or inappropriate symbols, language, or wording
Clothing with wording or illustrations of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, violence, sexual behavior, or any other inappropriate message
Gang-related colors and paraphernalia (bandanas, rags, etc.)
Eye-glasses with dark tinted lenses inside the building except for medical reasons
When a Student is in Violation
Option One:
The student will be provided clothing items that meet dress code.
Option Two:
Students may call home to have clothing items brought (student remains in ISS until clothing items are brought).