Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free web-based platform that integrates your G Suite for Education account with all your G Suite services. Classroom saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized.

Skyward & 

Google Classroom Sync


We are excited to announce the addition of a new Google Classroom Sync tool. 

When you sign into Google Classroom this year your classes will have automatically been created for you, and your roster of students will have automatically been enrolled for you. Click Accept to begin using those Classes.

Please direct any questions regarding the classroom sync to your campus Technology Coach or Curriculum Coach. 

Students will not be able to see anything in Google Classroom for your class(es), until you Accept them.

Archiving/Deleting Classes.webm

Archive, Restore and Delete Classes



Classroom Stream.webm

Overview of Stream




1Classwork Overview.mp4

Overview of Classwork

People in 👩🏻‍🏫 New Teacher Technology Bootcamp.webm

Overview of People


Overview of Grades in Classroom

Grades Google Classroom.webm


Grading Policy Updated 6/30/2020

EIA(REGULATION) 6302020.pdf
Class Settings.webm

Overview of Class Settings



TIP: When discussing the use of student posts and comments, use this as a teachable moment to discuss online etiquette and digital citizenship skills.

Classroom Settings.webm

Overview of Classroom Settings

Google Classroom Tips for Remote Learning

1. Collaborate with other teachers for a consistent workflow

2. Use a Daily/Weekly Checklist (Click here to access a template)

3. Use a Weekly Topic to Organize Your Assignments

4. Create a “Resources and Tutorials Topic” and Keep it at the Top of the Classwork Page

Tip: Click-and-drag to move topics around and organize the Classwork page. I would suggest keeping the resource topic at the top, and the weekly assignments topic for the current week in the number two spot.

5. Differentiate Assignments

6. Bookmark the Classwork Page


7. Use Keyboard Shortcut: Cntrl + F to Find Numbers and Words in Classroom

8. Reuse a Post

You can reuse an announcement, assignment, or question from a class. When you reuse a post, you can:

Google Support page on reusing a post.