Clever Badge Sign-In

for Pre K Students

Clint ISD has configured Chromebooks to allow PK students to log in with both Clever Badges and Google credentials. Students have both options. Follow the procedures below to login with the chosen option:

How Log in with Clever Badge Instructions

1. After opening the Chromebook, students should select "NEXT".

2. Once students select the "NEXT" button, the badge screen will appear.

3. The students will hold their Badges up to the camera.

4. A green checkmark will appear indicating a successful login.

How Log in with Google Instructions

1. After opening the Chromebooks, students should select the "Sign in with a different account".

2. Once students select "Sign in with a different account", they will be prompted by Google to enter their Google credentials.

3. Students enter their Google credentials, click "NEXT", and they will be signed into the Chromebook.

Voiding and Generating Clever Badge Support for Teachers & Tech Coaches

Clever Badges can be reset! If a student loses their Badge, they should immediately reach out to their Teacher, the Campus Tech Coach, Campus Librarian or the Instructional Technology Team. The missing badge should be voided to protect the security of their account. Once voided, a new Clever Badge will be issued, which can then be distributed to the student.

The ability to void Badges cannot be disabled. A Badge is just like a password - if lost, a new Badge should be generated to prevent another user from gaining access to the Badge owner's Clever account.

Information on voiding and generating new Badges can be found here:

Teachers Click Here

Tech Coaches Click Here