Hilsman Middle School

background image by: Jose Hernandez, BHL Middle, from YAM 2021

Hilsman Middle School - Heidi Hensley - Art Teacher

Caylee Simpson

7th Grade - Hilsman Middle


Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic painting with prompt "I have something to say".

Wendy Madrid-Lopez

8th Grade - Hilsman Middle

Kusama Fears

Colored Pencil and paper

And illustration of my fears in the style of Yayoi Kusama.

Geneva Gay

8th Grade - Hilsman Middle

Abstract Impression Thoughts

Oil Pastel on paper

This was a project where we illustrated our thoughts in abstract impressionism.

K'Lee Griffin

7th Grade - Hilsman Middle

My Starry Night

Charcoal on Black paper

A recreation of Van Gogh's Starry Night.