whit Davis Elementary

background image by: Michelle Ortiz-Munoz, JJ Harris Elementary, from YAM 2021

whit Davis Elementary School - Jennifer Berkowitz - Art TeacheR

Nate Noell

4th grade - whit Davis Elementary

"Among Us" Character


This student loves to make clay creations and was inspired by the "Among Us" craze that is popular with students currently.

Rylee Thomas and Gracie Puckett

5th Grade - whit Davis Elementary

Intergalactic Space Garden

Polymer Clay

These students were inspired by this new medium and wanted to create a piece that they could imagine seeing in a garden in another galaxy.

Icmer Zambrano and Jose Discua Romero

3rd Grade - whit Davis Elementary

Polymer Clay Sculpture

Polymer Clay

These students were inspired by the medium to create different layers and textures to create an abstract three dimensional piece that was not functional, but was valued just for being beautiful and colorful.