Clarke Middle Middle School

background image by: Jose Hernandez, BHL Middle, from YAM 2021

Clarke Middle School - Chance Hunter- Art Teacher

Sterling Williams

7th Grade - Clarke Middle

View of Mt. Fuji

Triptych watercolor on paper

Sterling was inspired by both the fluid style of Japanese calligraphy and the artwork of Katsushika Hokusai and his 36 views of Mt. Fuji that we discussed in class.

Alistair Lemay

8th Grade - Clarke Middle


Triptych pen, ink, alcohol markers

Our triptych project was assigned with a focus on the elements of art and principles of design. Each student had to choose three elements and two principles they wanted to exhibit in their artwork. The results were mounted together for one complete image.

Mono Aina

7th Grade - Clarke Middle


Black paper silhouette

The silhouette project was a challenge of students understanding of the balance of positive and negative space as well as a test of patience. Students carefully cut delicate lines with Xacto knives and scissors and carefully revealed the image they had designed. To this day no students have been injured just one teacher not paying attention to his own rules.