Barnett Shoals Elementary

background image by: Michelle Ortiz-Munoz, JJ Harris Elementary, from YAM 2021

Barnett Shoals Elementary School - Betsy Bush - Art Teacher

Mabry Paschal

1st Grade - Barnett Shoals Elementary

The Lollipop Picture

Tempera Paint

When I look at Hundertwasser’s art I see raindrops, windows, lollipops, dots and circles. I like his artwork because it makes me feel happy. We made some art inspired by his work. I used some dots and lollipops in my art just like he did. When I look at my art I feel excited.

Ayla Freeman

1st Grade - Barnett Shoals Elementary

Rainbow Land

Tempera Paint

This is a picture of a sunset while it is raining and there is also a rainbow. I was thinking of the sunset that I saw yesterday. I like it. This was not difficult to make. I just used my imagination. The splatters are the rain and then the colors are the sunset and the rainbow. I made the rainbow shaped like a Santa hat because Christmas is my favorite holiday.

Paisley Alston

1st Grade - Barnett Shoals Elementary


Tempera Paint

This is a house with a rainbow on it and the black thing in front is a statue and there are trees behind it. I painted a house because it makes me feel happy. Me and my mommy and my sister live in the house. When I see my dad it makes me really happy. When it rains it makes me so happy because it makes a beautiful rainbow like this one.

Lola Tousant

1st Grade - Barnett Shoals Elementary

Circle World

Tempera Paint

First I started to make a house then I wanted to add details. I made it because I was thinking about how my brother would like it when he comes to this school and sees this picture. I made a volcano tree then I added a sun and the spots. I filled my whole picture.