are you work ready?

Work though the following work readiness activities to help you prepare for the world of work and your future career path...

  • When you have completed these tasks please upload your evidence using the google form links below.

  1. Cv writing

Maximum Completion Time: 2-3 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Please download and work through through the three CV related activities below. Next, write and upload a CV of your own using the google form link below.

Job Hunting pack.pdf

Download and read through the Job Hunting Handbook to create your CV...

Work Experience letter template.docx

Download and edit this work experience letter template...

CV Writing Activity.pdf

Download and complete the CV building activity... (tutors: answers accessible on shared wexp folder)

2. interview preparation

Maximum Completion Time: 1-2 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Download and read through the Interview skills handbook. Prepare written answers to the interview example questions on page 4. Upload your answers using the google form link below.

Interview Handout.docx

Download and read through the handbook to learn interview tips...

3. Identify your skills course

Maximum Completion Time: 2-3 hours

Suitability Level: 2-3+

Click on the image below to access the Skills to Succeed Academy site. Register your details and complete a short course: 'Identify Your Skills'. This will help boost your transferable skills which employers are looking for. Next, you will need to click onto the progress bar at the top of the web page to access your evidence of progress completed. Take a screenshot/save your work, and then upload your evidence using the google form link below.

Please use the following access code when registering with the platform: ACCESS

Click on the image below to access the course...

4. Industry research task

Maximum Completion Time: 3-4 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Download a copy of the word document 'Industry Research Task' and complete a short written research project to learn more about how your relevant industry is coping with Covid-19. Once completed, please upload the evidence using the google form link below.

Placement Research Project.docx

5. career pathways and skills mapping

Maximum Completion Time: 1-2 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Click on the images for Careerpilot and Career Coach to research job sectors and career pathways.

These websites will show you:

  • How much you can earn

  • What qualifications you need

  • The Local job market

  • How to access qualifications

Once you have had a look around these sites, complete the Post-16 Skills Map below. This will help match your experiences to a set of skills valued in the workplace. Take a screenshot/save your Skills Map and upload this using the google form link below.

6. barclays life skills: job sectors + work preparation

Maximum Completion Time: 3-4 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Download a copy and work through the Barclay's Life Skills worksheet relating to job sectors and preparing for the world of work. This pdf document is interactive, so make sure to click on the video links and type answers in the areas provided. Once you have completed the worksheet, please upload this evidence using the google form link below.


7. barclays life skills: Virtual Work Experience

Maximum Completion Time: 1-1.5 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Click through to Barclays Life Skills site and start your short virtual work experience tour today. Next, complete the Virtual Work Experience worksheet and upload this using the google form link below.

Barclay Skills: Virtual Work Experience

Click on the image below to access the Barclays virtual tour...

8. Speakers for schools: employer talks

Maximum Completion Time: See event guideline for details

Suitability Level: 1-3+ (see recommendations for each individual talk)

Watch an employer talk and complete the activity sheet below. Next, upload this activity sheet using the google form link below.

Top Tip! If you listen to a live employer talk, research around the company and prepare a few questions beforehand.

Virtual Live Talks:

Recorded Talks Library:

Click on the images above to access:

  1. Live virtual employer talks

  2. Pre-recorded library of virtual employer talks

Employer Talks Student Activity Sheet.docx

Student activity sheet

Complete this activity sheet after watching an employer talk

Student Guide SFS Talks .pdf

Student Guide: Talks

Click on this student guide to learn more about accessing SFS talks

9. Speakers for schools: placements

Maximum Completion Time: See event guideline for details

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Are you interested in taking part in an insight day or placement with an employer from your own home? Register with the SFS platform by clicking on the right-hand side image, then scroll through their network of opportunities.

You will need to make a short application to take part in a placement. Staff will support you every step of the way. If successful, upload your final certificate using the google form link below.

Virtual Work Experience:

Take a look at the Student Guide to using the SFS platform...

How to Apply for Work Experience.pdf
Student Guide_ How to use SFS Platform.pptx

10. careers quizzes

Maximum Completion Time: 30mins

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Not sure what job you would like in the future? Click on the links and take these quizzes to find out more about your future options. Once completed, take a screenshot/save your details and upload this using the google form link below.

11. Subject Specific activities

Maximum Completion Time: Variable

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Take a look at the document to view virtual activities which relate to specific course areas. Read through the list and choose any activities of interest. Collect necessary evidence following instructions and upload this using the google form link below.

Subject Specific Virtual Work Experience.pdf


Maximum Completion Time: Dependent on length of course

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Choose from a range of free online courses below which can boost your employability skills and understanding of different industry areas. Make sure to confirm the course choices with your tutor beforehand.

Click on the images below to access trusted sites with free online courses. Make sure to save evidence of your course (certificates, screenshots etc.) and upload this using the google form link below.

Recommended courses: 'Succeed in the Workplace' and 'Developing Career Resilience'

Recommended courses: 'Introduction to Job Search Skills' and 'Study Skills'

Recommended courses: 'Land your next job' and 'Speaking in public'

Recommended courses: Choose a short course related to your subject area!


Maximum Completion Time: Dependent on length of course/module

Suitability Level: 1-3+ (depending on badge)

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is an international programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free.

iDEA badges are interactive online modules that you can access for free anywhere in the world. They vary in length and difficulty and iDEA has a huge range of badges you can choose from, just pick one that interests you and get started.

Click on the images above to access the iDEAS site. Create a log in to have access to the range of badges you can complete. Once you have completed a badge, upload your evidence of this using the google form link below.

14. The tenner challenge

Maximum Completion Time: Approx. 4-8 hours over 4 weeks.

Suitability Level: 2-3+

This is a national enterprise challenge, helping to develop an enterprising mindset and prepare for the world of work as students make as much profit as possible from £10. Students in small groups use their £10 pledges to design and get a student business idea off the ground and make as much profit as they can.

Dates: 28th February - 25th March 2022

Don't fancy entering the challenge? There is now a project you can take part in from home which you can work on individually and in your own time. Remember to upload your completed work using the google form link below.

Speak to your tutor if you feel that you would be interested in taking part in this challenge...

15. Employer VirtuAL TOURS

Maximum Completion Time: 2-2.5 hours

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Visit the website below to take part in interactive 360 degree virtual talks of different businesses, ranging from Ipswich Town Football Club to BT global communications company. Next, write a one page summary of why you found this activity useful and what you have learnt. Upload this evidence using the google form link below.


Maximum Completion Time: 30mins - 1 hour

Suitability Level: 1-3+

Take a look at the short videos and articles below which all offer different perspectives on the value of work experience and how to prepare for the workplace. Once completed, write a paragraph explaining why you found these videos useful. Upload this evidence using the google form link below.