What Are Reps?

Course Reps

A Course Rep (Representative) is responsible for gathering the views and feedback from their course mates in order to share this feedback with the Student Council and Student Voice Coordinator so relevant action and/or celebration of achievement can take place.

This programme gives you an opportunity to make a real impact and change the learning experience for students on your course.

Each course is required to have a Course Rep to ensure Student Voice is accessible for all. Course Reps must be nominated and submitted by a Course tutor by Thursday 3rd October 2024. Nominations are usually held during tutorial to give each nominee an opportunity to speak on why they would like to be the Course Rep and what they can bring to the role. 

If you are interested in representing your course, please let your tutor know during induction/elections within tutorial. Please feel welcome to ask questions about the role by popping into the SU or contacting - studentvoice@cityplym.ac.uk