Black History Month

so what is black history month?

When is it?

October is Black History Month in the UK an event that has been celebrated nationwide for over 30 years.

The month was originally founded to recognise the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to this country over many generations.

"In years gone by, October has been the only time of year when the UK talks about the achievements of Black people in Britain," says Catherine Ross guest editor of Black History Month 2020.

"Hopefully, the events of 2020 will be a catalyst for Black history to be shared much more widely - in museums, galleries, schools, universities, public spaces and communities."

Why Is It important?

Black history month was first launched in London in the 1980s, where the aim was for the local community to challenge racism and educate themselves and others about the British history that was not taught in schools.

Black people have been in Britain for a lot longer than previously thought - One of the oldest skeletons ever found was that of the Cheddar Man who had dark skin.

Archaeologist, the people who study human history through digging up sites, looking at bones and ancient objects, think that he was alive during the stone age.

Throughout history black people have always been present in the UK but there has been a lack of representation in the history books.

A historic year!

This year has seen demonstrations in Britain and around the world in response to the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while being stopped by police in America.

"2020 has held a mirror up to the world and forced many to see the reality of racism," says Catherine Ross.

In the UK, Black Lives Matter demonstrations have called for an end to systemic racism, where people aren't treated fairly because they are black.

Premier League footballers have taken the knee in solidarity with the movement, while there have been calls to remove statues of white people who contributed to Britain's role in the transatlantic save trade - a time where black people were traded for goods and sold into slavery to work. It lasted for more than 400 years.

how we celebrate?

Many people take the time to do research into their backgrounds or find out more about black people who have made a difference to the country.

Some schools across the UK teach about Britain's black history including the slave trade and important and influential black men and women from history.

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson says it's important to celebrate the influence black people have had, shaping Britain's history:

"For countless generations people of African and Caribbean descent have been shaping our nation's story, making a huge difference to our national and cultural life and helping to make Britain a better place to be.

"It is this contribution of black British people that I am proud to be celebrating Black History Month this October," he said.