Industry Placements

Who is this for?

The following information relates to an opportunity for students studying certain courses at City College Plymouth to have access to an Industry Placement. Courses included in the placements programme are: Business, Catering and Hospitality, Hair and Beauty, Computing, Art and Design, Media, Engineering and Construction...

What is an industry placement?

The Industry Placements programme is an exciting opportunity during the academic year 2021-22 for students on a relevant L2 or L3 course. These placements are a valuable opportunity to put your learning into practice and develop technical skills that will enable you to finish your course with the skills, knowledge and expertise that employers want.

Student Handbook Industry Placements.pdf

Download the Student Guide 2020-21 for general information...

What to expect?

  • You’ll spend a minimum of 315 hours (45-50 days on average) with an external employer in a role directly relevant to your course.

  • The placement will be a good fit with your course, meaning you’ll be able to learn the relevant technical skills for your industry.

  • Some employers may pay a wage. The College can support to cover your expenses.

  • The placement will take place throughout the academic year and will not interfere with your timetabled study programme hours.

What are the benefits?

  • Build and develop your technical skills, increasing your ability to find employment

  • Develop “soft skills” such as communicating, teamwork and problem solving

  • Gain deeper knowledge of the running of a business

  • Opportunity for personal growth: develop self-reliance, step out of your comfort zone, build confidence and learn about yourself!

  • Potentially secure a job or apprenticeship with the employer afterwards

what we expect from students

  • Work towards the objectives you’ve agreed in advance

  • Track progress by keeping your Grofar online logbook up to date with your hours and experiences, having regular one-to-one meetings with your line manager and tutor, and attending review meetings

  • Meet professional standards and etiquette and abide by all rules regarding health and safety during your placement

how do i find an industry placement?

We encourage students to try and source their own placements. Please view the placement guide attached. If you have a part-time job that is relevant to your course you are studying, then this could potentially count as a work placement.

There will also be some placements advertised via the Grofar online platform. Log in and check the 'opportunities' area throughout the year to view and apply for industry placements. You can manage this in the 'applications' area.

Self sourcing industry placements student guide.pdf


Throughout your placement, you will need to make sure that you keep your portal updated with the following:

  • Initial health and safety induction checklist

  • learning targets

  • regularly log hours and experiences (could include photos, videos, files)

  • Provide feedback on Grofar at the beginning, middle and end of your placement

Look through the following guides for how to use Grofar:

1.-student-video-adding-grofar-link-to-homepage (1).mp4

Adding Grofar link to device

2.-student-video-logging-in (1).mp4

How to log in to Grofar

Overview of Managing Your Placement on Grofar (1).mp4

Overview of managing your placements

How to submit a placement request students.mp4

How to submit a placement request

How to Log Placement Hours & Experiences.mp4

How to log placement hours and experiences

Click on the image above to view a powerpoint guide explaining work placements on Grofar in more detail...