Online safety

Why is Online Safety Important?

These days, we communicate over the web nearly as much as we communicate face-to-face - sometimes more! Not to mention how much shopping we do online. So it's never been more important to take care of yourself when buying online, using Social Media, or presenting yourself on the web in any way.

There are lots of reasons why online safety is important:

For advice and support offered online and over the phone. A huge range of topics covered. 

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

You can use this link to report any online content that is harmful. 

Not sure where to start? This link has helpful information on how to change your settings on los of different social media sites.

How private is you personal information?

Watch the video below and ask yourself how much personal information is available on your social media profiles? When was the last time you checked your settings? Would you tell a stranger in the street this information? 

With more people online than ever before, now is the time to make sure you're safe! Don't make it easy for criminals to access your information!

If you have a Safeguarding concern please click here