Point System
This is a proposal for consideration under fellowship.
The idea: Some academic online courses employ a honor system for the students to weekly submit what they've done and see their accumulated score, which motivates them to continue on.
The proposal: provide a Google form for trainees to input their attendance to the message and study time etc. The form encaptulates the training requirements and recommended practices (e.g. be ready for the message 5 minutes before). This way we eninforce and promote them with positive feedback of weekly scoring.
On LD evening, each trainee will receive an e-mail with the form for him/her to fill for the four messages of the week. We will send another reminder Friday morning.
We use Google form's existing support so people get to see their score right away. We set it up so trainees can edit their responses later, e.g. they may enter their attendance first and update later as they progress through study sessions and homework/test.
This form also serves to conduct the offline testing (prefilled to indicate if the trainee is tested), and provide the means for trainees to submit their prophecy, either recording or text.
Note: the training brothers should still take attendance of the trainees for each message. This way we may shepherd promptly those who miss the messages they committed to.
Sample & Draft
Here is a sample of what a trainee may see when he/she clicks "view score" : SAMPLE - VIEW SCORE
Actual Forms by Language
Instructions for Training Brothers
Serving Brothers
This is more on the technical side to send out the form/reminder. Each brother should have access to the respective list of trainees with their e-mail addresses (or, for saints not comfortable with computers, the e-mail address of a saint who is helping him/her to do the input submission.)
A reminder will be set up for the serving brothers.
All - Korean-speaking: Insik -- prep form gsheet Kr (All)
Campbell - Chinese-speaking: Peter Liu -- prep form gsheet Ch (CB)
Campbell - English-speaking: Ezra Tai -- prep form gsheet En (CB)
Cupertino - Chinese-speaking: James Wang -- prep form gsheet Ch (CU)
Cupertino - English-speaking: James Shau -- prep form gsheet En (CU)
Santa Clara - Chinese-speaking: Michael Tsai -- prep form gsheet Ch (SV)
Santa Clara - English-speaking: Warren Chung -- prep form gsheet En (SC)
Sunnyvale - English-speaking: Steve Lai -- prep form gsheet En (SV)
LD evening: Setup & Sending out e-mail for the week
(0. James Shau to set up the form by language for the next week and generate hyperlinks to the prefilled URLs from the Trainee's Name column.)
Go to the preparation form responses gsheet (En | Ch | Kr ; or see above) of your respective locality/district/language.
For each trainee in the sheet of your respective locality/district/language (e.g. the CU sheet in the En gsheet for James Shau), (a) copy his/her e-mail address (b) click the hyperlink on his/her name, which should bring up the right form of the week/language with all necessary prefilled info (e.g. test which message etc.) EXCEPT for the email address.
Paste in the e-mail address in the form, and submit it (after scroll-down/click Next to reach the end ... Using PageDown might help reducing mouse movement). The form is set up for the trainee to receive an e-mail with the link that he/she can edit it.
Do this EXACTLY ONCE for each trainee.
Unfortunately, Google does not allow a script to fill in the respondent's email address, and thus it is not able to simply do everything as we originally planned. It thus still takes some manuel labor to put in the e-mail addresses and submitting the forms. There are reasons we want to use Google's "collect e-mail addresses" option for the forms.
Video - How to generate the initial status report for trainees
FRI morning: sending reminder
TODO (easy enough, James Shau can do it for all.)
Checking a Trainee's Status
Sending Reminder Email for Study Sessions
See this page, or briefly