En coord
Each message
Prayer time beforehand: 20 minutes before, i.e. 8:40am SAT; 3:40pm SAT & LD, using the same Zoom for messages.
"Streamer", who streams the message (good uplink bandwidth). Warren (SC) for all messages + backup one from each locality - CU: James Shau.
Host: rotate among Warren and backups ("streamers" above). Zoom duty includes assigning co-hosts and setting up breakout rooms with facilitators and co-hosts.
Meeting facilitator: one from CB (SAT 9am), CU (SAT 11am), SC (SAT 4pm). Zoom name prefix: M-, e.g. M-James Shau.
Format: 5min before starting time - singing & praying; Start streaming at exact starting time; Break out for PSRP or overflow.
Each Breakout
PSRP or overflow ; some 8 - 15 each room (Zoom random assignments)
One co-host for Zoom duty. Zoom name prefix: H-, e.g. H-James Shau.
One facilitator who may facilitate the breakout time (cf. the study group guidelines). Zoom name prefix: F-, e.g. F-James Shau.
If a brother can be either, prefix with both, ie. FH-, e.g. FH-James Shau.
Study Sessions
See lists by study time in the prep form responses gsheet
Morning 8am & Late Afternoon 5:45pm sessions: At least one serving brother, also hosting the Zoom meeting. Those highlighted in green for each time slots in the Study Time sheet of the prep form responses gsheet.
WED 8pm (3 messages each) sessions. Many brothers who can serve. Warren and Steve to coordinate out the specifics of format and serving schedule.
See lists by locality in the prep form responses gsheet
Need one brother from each district/locality to (1) mark for each trainee to take the tests for which messages (2) use the gsheet custom menu (TBD) items to send the notices for weekly status report w/ testing etc.
CB - En : Ezra Tai; CU - En : James Shau; SC - En : Warren Chung; SV - En : Steve Lai.
Action Items 7/2
CU|SC|SV: to identify one brother to be Warren's backup as "streamers" (good uplink speed) and to share the host duty for Zoom.
Arrange for one brother to be the Meeting facilitator: one from CB (SAT 9am), CU (SAT 11am), SC (SAT 4pm). Zoom name prefix: M-, e.g. M-James Shau.
Identify a pool of brothers to serve as co-hosts and/or breakout facilitators, and inform them to prefix their Zoom names accordingly (see above).
Inform the brothers identified to serve the morning or late afternoon study sessions.
Warren and Steve to work out further arrangement for WED 8pm study sessions.