En coord

Each message

  • Prayer time beforehand: 20 minutes before, i.e. 8:40am SAT; 3:40pm SAT & LD, using the same Zoom for messages.

  • "Streamer", who streams the message (good uplink bandwidth). Warren (SC) for all messages + backup one from each locality - CU: James Shau.

  • Host: rotate among Warren and backups ("streamers" above). Zoom duty includes assigning co-hosts and setting up breakout rooms with facilitators and co-hosts.

  • Meeting facilitator: one from CB (SAT 9am), CU (SAT 11am), SC (SAT 4pm). Zoom name prefix: M-, e.g. M-James Shau.

  • Format: 5min before starting time - singing & praying; Start streaming at exact starting time; Break out for PSRP or overflow.

Each Breakout

  • PSRP or overflow ; some 8 - 15 each room (Zoom random assignments)

  • One co-host for Zoom duty. Zoom name prefix: H-, e.g. H-James Shau.

  • One facilitator who may facilitate the breakout time (cf. the study group guidelines). Zoom name prefix: F-, e.g. F-James Shau.

  • If a brother can be either, prefix with both, ie. FH-, e.g. FH-James Shau.

Study Sessions

  • See lists by study time in the prep form responses gsheet

  • See the study group guidelines and the study questions

  • Morning 8am & Late Afternoon 5:45pm sessions: At least one serving brother, also hosting the Zoom meeting. Those highlighted in green for each time slots in the Study Time sheet of the prep form responses gsheet.

  • WED 8pm (3 messages each) sessions. Many brothers who can serve. Warren and Steve to coordinate out the specifics of format and serving schedule.


  • See lists by locality in the prep form responses gsheet

  • Need one brother from each district/locality to (1) mark for each trainee to take the tests for which messages (2) use the gsheet custom menu (TBD) items to send the notices for weekly status report w/ testing etc.

  • CB - En : Ezra Tai; CU - En : James Shau; SC - En : Warren Chung; SV - En : Steve Lai.

Action Items 7/2

  • CU|SC|SV: to identify one brother to be Warren's backup as "streamers" (good uplink speed) and to share the host duty for Zoom.

  • Arrange for one brother to be the Meeting facilitator: one from CB (SAT 9am), CU (SAT 11am), SC (SAT 4pm). Zoom name prefix: M-, e.g. M-James Shau.

  • Identify a pool of brothers to serve as co-hosts and/or breakout facilitators, and inform them to prefix their Zoom names accordingly (see above).

  • Inform the brothers identified to serve the morning or late afternoon study sessions.

  • Warren and Steve to work out further arrangement for WED 8pm study sessions.