Organizing Events

These are events, activities, competitions that I am actively engaged in. These are organized and lead by me, with all the leg work being done by my students!

The Bard by the Mandovi - The Shakespeare Festival

Started in 2010 by the department of English as an extension programme, I have been organizing this event, along with students for its duration of eleven years. It provides a platform for school and Higher Secondary students to engage with Literature in innovative and creative ways.

The event has grown leaps and bounds from its extremely humble start. It is the only one of its kind in Goa (I dare say India?)

Glimpses of TBBTM -Shakespeare Festival 2018

Cosfest Goa

Students pose with their costume for Cosfest Goa 2018

Cosfest Goa is a recent addition to the events I handle. It was introduced to showcase the love of popular culture through the enjoyable medium of cosplaying.

Three editions have been organized, and the event is only growing!


Pegasus is an intercollegiate literary festival running for the past 12 years! This year will be its eleventh edition. With over 20 events every year, we organized over 200 events in its duration - wow! Obviously this is isn't a one man job - as you can see above - ten years of organizers came over in the tenth edition last year to make my day.