Sem 6: Latin American Literature

Latin American Literature is a sixth semester elective course, another introductory course laying the foundation to future studies in the area, if you are interested. I share this course with Asst. Prof. Delilah Pacheco, while she handles the poetry and novel section, I take care of short fiction, and contextual study. We both endeavour to create a course that plugs a lacuna in literature studies that we have encountered in regular literature programmes.

You will be introduced to the Latin American Literature through an exploration of its countries, culture, history and literature. After its first sojourn with the students, we realised that although students understood the texts, they lost a lot of context. Thus, Asst. Prof. Delilah came up with Latin American Day, which pushed the students to explore the rich history and culture of Latin America. I am happy to say that it is such a success that we have exported the idea, successfully into other courses as well! Now we have Comix Day, Goan Day, Harlem Renaissance recreation.

Simply put, this celebration and exploration is a continuous assessment, and along with CLS, projects, and self-study through presentations and submissions, it rounds off our learning in the class. Your finals involve applying your contextual knowledge into an academically sound term-paper

LATIN AMERICAN DAY - A Fun-Filled Continuous Assessment (who says learning can't be fun)