Sem 5: Film Studies

Film Studies! Another favourite of mine! A third year, fifth semester elective course, students can opt to pick this elective, which is an introduction to Film Studies. It continues some concepts from the Writing for the Media course. So if you had opted for that then do choose this elective, you will have an advantage. In this introductory course, you will not only be introduced to various concepts in studying Film as literature, but you will be given a chance to explore various film genres, ages, and also be introduced to films from across the world. The best thing is that you get to choose where you want to go! You will be given insights in how to 'read' movies, and write about them intelligently and academically, while analyzing them through using terminology in Film.

I handle this course, entirely, teaching through a combination of cooperative learning sessions, lectures (very few to be honest), tutorials, projects, with self-study through presentations and submissions. In fact a large part of our classes we watch movies and short movies. Each student presents and dissects a movie every week. Continuous assessments form a major portion of the credits in this course. Students not only learn concepts, but you apply them in short movies of your own. Thus, your finals involve applying concepts in movie created and shot by you! See a couple of movies shot by students after this introductory text. You will also submit a term-paper analysing a contemporary movie watched by you. Yup. You have to watch movies... so tedious (not!) .

A couple of short movies submitted as part of their final evaluations for this course. Students have to shoot this from scratch, while applying concepts both theoretical as well as technical learnt through the course. Continuous short technical tutorials in shooting a film are conducted every week to aid students achieve a certain level of competency in shooting a short, using equipement like a cell phone.

Refuge by Jisha Ponnachan (2019-2020)

Feel the Other Side by Archa Sancou (2017- 2018)