
in conversation with Shri Vishwanathan Anand

I love Hosting events!! I have been exclusively hosting our Founder's Day Celebrations from 2010. I still remember our then Principal, Dr. Gaonkar sending me an intimation to meet him. I was a little worried as he hadn't told about what it was. When I met him, he told me about how we were going to celebrate our Founder's Day. It was a great idea. Then he told me that he had called me to say that I would be doing hosting duties for the event! Erm... say what now?

" Don't say, No...", he said. I didn't (although I was nervous as hell, but what a great opportunity!) and I hope that I have done justice to the faith that he reposed in me.

This has allowed me to not only set examples for my students (I have coached a few in hosting events), but also to meet and interact closely with the guests invited by the Institute - from Chetan Bhagat to Shri Vishwanathan Anand, Shri Milkha Singh to Shri Geet Sethi, Ms. Nandita Das to Shri Agnello Dias (Taproot). It is always interesting to meet people!

with Shri. Viren Rasquinha