Creative Writing I & II

A Second year Skill Enhancement Course, I offer it at both the third and fourth semester, and handle the whole course. Students opting to choose this in the the third semester must continue it in the fourth semester as well. It is of 2 credits 50 marks each per semester, and focuses on skill building for a major part of the course.

"Teaching" is done through the projects, works, assignments that is undertaken by the student individually. We have group sharing, and constructive build-up on all the written and performative aspects of the course. So the mantra in the course is 'Learning by Doing'. The students must join and handle the poets' and writers' club at college - Club Carpe Diem, which gives the writers a platform for an exchange of ideas.

Continuous assessments form a major portion of the credits in this course. There is no final semester written exam, but your work product through the term culminates in the creation of an ePortfolio, (much like this one!), where I score you on the progression of learning that you have achieved based on our course outcomes.

You will try your hand at various styles of writings in poetry, fiction and drama. The end goal will be to become a published writer - print or digital, but we will also explore various ways of converting your writings into other media - videos, performative audios, comics etc.

Remember, the only way to be a good writer is to Write right, and write wrong, and then write some more!

A Girl - a poem visualized in our Mass Comm class of yore! Credits: Gretchen Barretto, Shaunna Fernandes and team
