New Literatures in English

A second year, third semester elective course, students can opt to pick this elective, which is dedicated in readings of New Literatures in English focussing on writings of the marginalized from the African, North American and Australian countries. We also look at contexts that lead to certain milieu, along with a broad stroke introduction to Feminism as we look at female writers in our selection of readings. Handling the entire course, i teach through a combination of lectures, tutorials, role-plays, drama enactments with self-study through presentations and submissions. Continuous assessments form a major portion of the credits in this course. Students will get their first taste of writing term-papers in this course as they explore various ideas in the selected readings. Students are encouraged to read expansively as the selections are mere gateways.

You will get an insight to wide themes written by those who are not privileged, and will be culturally aware of these countries and their literature. The course will also provide a solid base in efficient academic writings in literature.

Jeff D'Cruz analyzes poems from Claude Mckay (A Continuous assessment submission)
