
Technology has become an integral part of education. 21st century learners must become proficient users of technology because of the world they are inheriting. Technology is ubiquitous. Some view it as a subject unto itself, requiring specific skill sets and a curriculum to be taught. However, we view it differently. We view it as just another tool, like pen and paper. That does not mean it is not important; it certainly is and we are frequent users of multiple devices. But, technology cannot replace thinking and learning. It should enhance it. Educators must be careful to avoid allowing ourselves to treat it as a stand-alone subject.

The most commonly accepted standards for technology instruction and learning are called NETS (National Educational Technology Standards). These standards provide guidance in assessing students' technology skills and knowledge. At Willow Creek, we integrate these standards into our instruction to the extent that resources allow.

Click here for more information on the NETS.

Click here for a useful resources on raising digitally responsible children.