

A small amount of homework is assigned each night for three reasons:


Students can expect an average of 30 minutes of homework per night, depending on speed and disruptions at home.  It is important for students to establish a consistent homework routine.  Our recommendation is for students to complete homework directly after school.  Day planners are specifically designed to help students stay organized and diligent about what assignments are due.  We recognize that students have numerous other commitments after school, but we believe time spent on education is among the most important.  Please help your student by planning a manageable amount of after-school activities.  Please use planners to foster real-life management skills by helping your child track after school club meetings, sport and music commitments, and family appointments in the planner, just as adults do with their calendars. 

Homework is expected to be done independently. This includes daily homework, weekly assignments, and long term projects.  Fifth graders are more than capable of doing the assigned work in the expected timeframe.  

Homework volume and assignment difficulty are adjusted based on student needs. If parents have concerns about homework volume and/or difficulty, please let your teacher know as soon as possible. Based on a needs assessment and reflection by both student and parents, further adjustments can be made.

For homework to be considered complete, it should be taken home, finished according to instruction and to the expected level of quality, AND returned to school. If homework is incomplete or left at home, conversations will serve as a reminder about important qualities, such as accountability and responsibility, that seeing a task through to the end is intended to promote.

Optional Parent Assigned Homework Resources

Real life applications proven to correlate to student success:

English Language Arts
