
In Reflection

The holiday season is upon us and it is always a time when we reflect on those things for which we are thankful. We are truly grateful for the time we have with students. They bring us constant energy and inspire us to do our best every day. 

At Willow Creek, we have high standards for achievement and growth.  We meet these standards through hard work and perseverance.  In addition, we achieve success because students, parents, and teachers all work together toward the common goal of quality education.  Our conferences last month were just one example of how this collaboration works. And the support by parents, with the positive, optimistic attitude of students, has made learning a success so far.

Hold On

Now that Fall Break, Conferences, Halloween, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, and a host of other events have past us, we now have the holidays with which to contend.  We have four solid weeks before Winter Break and an ambitious schedule of academic content to complete.  Teachers ask for parents' assistance in keeping students focused on school, maintaining a consistent schedule, and ensuring healthy habits (eating, hygiene, sleeping, etc.) for the duration of the holiday season.

If you have travel plans that require your student to miss school days prior to Winter Break, please let teachers and the front office know as soon as possible.


Family letters containing overviews of current math content and objectives can be found here:


Fifth grade continues to emphasize quality literacy instruction while offering balance and meeting individual student needs through small group differentiation and intervention. We finished a novel study where students used conflict/resolution along with symbolism to determine themes of fiction stories.

We continue adding depth and complexity to reading instruction for understanding and analyzing fiction narratives. In addition this month, we will be studying nonfiction text structures and using those structures to determine main ideas. Students will use main ideas to summarize informational text. We will also use nonfiction text structures for writing.

This month and into January, fifth graders will learn the purpose of persuasive writing and the different types of the genre - emotional appeal, opinion, and argumentative. We will be developing longer pieces (at least 5 paragraphs) while reinforcing the writing process:  idea generation, planning, rough draft, revision, and editing.

Mixtures and Solutions

American Colonies

Our focus has turned to the period of U.S. history known as colonization.  This period includes the time period following exploration of the Americas, including its impact on native people's civilization and culture.  

We begin with making the connection between the exploration of the Americas and the factors that led to colonization, including the ongoing effects on indigenous people already living in partnership with the land in North America.  We'll focus mostly on the English, French, Dutch, and Spanish colonies and the motivation for each.  Special emphasis on the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies will help us establish the major themes of colonization:  change, conflict, and diversity.  After that, we'll take a broader look at the thirteen original colonies by region:  New England, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies. All content will continue to honor and explore multiple worldviews.

Social Emotional Learning

Willow Creek is committed to teaching the whole child and has created a focus this year on teaching Social Emotional Learning lessons in the classroom. The program Second Step was adopted by the district and will be in use to guide instruction and discussions throughout the year. Students will learn to have empathy, manage emotions and solve problems in order to promote positive relationships with their teachers and peers and increase their feelings of school connectedness. Studies have shown that as students feel more connected to their school and peers they have more positive academic self-concepts, more motivation for academic success and more overall engagement for learning. Each month we will highlight for you a brief focus for the month to allow for continued conversations at home.  The Home Link pages will be linked to this section to support the discussion at home. 


Thank You!

So many to thank!  

A special shout out must go to classroom parents who are planning, coordinating, and collaborating behind the scenes to make Veterans' Day doors and the winter party successful.

We really want to express our gratitude to parents who donated science supplies along with our school's PTO that granted funds for fifth grade to complete our inventory of science materials. This will benefit students immeasurably by continuing science instruction that has proven so successful.

Additionally, as the winter party approaches we want to thank the many parents who will contribute to the kids' celebration by planning the details and providing food, paper goods, craft supplies, game materials, and more.  Without you and your generous help, the close of the 2023 calendar year just wouldn't be the same. 

Finally, in the spirit of the upcoming holiday season, we would like to sincerely thank parents in our community for the gift of trust you place in teachers to guide your children to educational and personal success. We are grateful for your confidence in our professionalism which guides our decisions every day. This professionalism has been gained as a result of our tireless pursuit of research-based best practices through professional development, collaboration with colleagues, coursework, and individual practice. Balancing that with daily instruction, assessment, and guidance delivered to 102 students across 4 classrooms, each with individual learning needs, styles, personalities, and motivations provides each of us great challenge, but offers great rewards as well. Your continued support for all we do is crucial, and for that, we give our most humble thanks.

Counselor meetings for both schools will be held in January/February. These meetings are for students only and the objective is to introduce students to course offerings of middle school as well as begin the registration process. Counselors will guide students through the process of course registration online. There are no makeup days/times.

WMS Counselor Meeting:  

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 2:00 - 2:45 PM

CMS First Counselor Meeting:

Thursday, January 25, 2024 from 2:00 - 2:45 PM

CMS Second Counselor Meeting:

Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 2:15 - 2:45 PM

Tour of Campus Middle School will occur on Thursday, May 2, 2024 from 9:30 - 11:00. The West Middle School tour is still to be determined. Students will ride buses to their respective middle schools. 

The above dates are intended as student events, in which students participate independently of their parents. The above events are forums for students to get answers to their "burning" questions about lunch menu items, lockers, tardies, homework requirements, school dances, recess, etc. 

Parents are highly encouraged to attend the middle school parent information nights or schedule a tour with the middle schools on their own so they can obtain the information that is pertinent to the parent perspective.  

Please contact your registered address middle school for information regarding upcoming dates. Your classroom teacher will not have the current, most up-to-date parent information night meeting information. Your home middle school is the best source of information! 

Important Events

Please see the Calendar Page within this website for upcoming important events.  

Within the calendar you can find important events, event timeframes, and additional brief notes about many events. 

If looking for WC Accountability dates, please see Calendar Page as well.