
Happy New Year!

We hope the holidays and Winter Break brought peaceful times together for all students and their families. For teachers, it was a chance to recharge the batteries and prepare for the continuation of learning to begin the new calendar year. With much eagerness, we look forward to an enjoyable, productive, and busy second half of the school year.

Preparing for Middle School

With the holidays behind us, new work in the classroom begins with an ambitious schedule of learning.  Some of the best learning and development occurs at this time of the year.  

As a reminder, part of fifth grade is meant to be preparation for middle school.  Beginning later this month, West and Campus counselors will visit fifth graders to begin the registration process. 

After the holidays, we may need to jump-start student's awareness of their responsibilities.  We recognize the instinct of parents to provide as much support and assistance as possible to help students avoid setbacks.  However, setbacks and even failure are building blocks for students to develop resilience and to provide motivation for creating their own success.  Our goal for these students is for them to become independent and responsible learners.  Every day, students are independently responsible for the following:

Middle School Registration

Counselor meetings are for students only and the objective is to introduce students to course offerings of middle school as well as begin the registration process. Counselors will guide students through the process of online course registration.

WMS Counselor Meeting:  

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 2:00 - 2:45 PM

CMS First Counselor Meeting:

Thursday, January 25, 2024 2:00 - 2:45 PM

CMS Second Counselor Meeting (Campus ONLY):

Thursday, February 8, 2024 2:00 - 2:45 PM

A tour of Campus Middle School will occur on Thursday, May 2, 2024 from 9:30 - 11:00. The tour of West Middle School is still to be determined. Students will ride buses to their respective middle schools. 

The above dates are student events in which students participate independently of their parents. The events are forums for students to get answers to their "burning" questions about lunch menu items, lockers, tardies, homework requirements, school dances, recess, etc. 

Parents are highly encouraged to attend the middle school parent information meetings so they can obtain the information that is pertinent to the parent perspective. 

Please contact your registered-address middle school for information regarding upcoming dates. Your classroom teacher will not have the most up-to-date parent information meeting information. Your home middle school is the best source of information.

If you have questions regarding middle school enrollment, School of Choice, intra district transfers, and related deadlines, please direct them to Beth Perron in the front office.

Many families are making the choice to apply for student acceptance at middle schools besides Campus and West. These schools often have deadlines coming up, if not already, and they require teacher recommendations. Because of the number of requests we receive, the amount of information asked of us, and depth and thought we know you want us to give to these, we require you make these requests at least 2 weeks prior to the deadline. 

Balanced Literacy

Summary of what we have done so far:

What's next in January:


Family letters containing overviews of current math content and objectives can be found here:


Our initial study of systems in living things is focused on plants. We will begin with a look at plant cells, comparing/contrasting them with animal cells.  We will establish the fact that cells rely on various systems that consist of a variety of parts that each perform a specific function. After that, we will study the various parts of a plant and the function that each performed for the plant's survival. Students will have a detailed look at the processes of photosynthesis and reproduction of plants.  Students will be provided a study guide and a review powerpoint presentation which they may reference for studying. 

The study of plants as a collection of systems will lead us directly into our study of the human body and its systems.  

From Colonies to Revolution

With an understanding of the government and economies of the colonization, we turn our attention to the rise of conflict with Great Britain with emphasis on the following:

From there, we will proceed with a detailed look at the battles of the Revolutionary War and the major parties involved in the conflict.  The study of the revolution will culminate in a Project Based Learning task.  

All reading and writing instruction will be integrated with our study of the American Revolution.  Students will read a variety of materials, including nonfiction text, short articles, and video narrative of the events of the revolution. 

Social Emotional Learning

Willow Creek is committed to teaching the whole child and has created a focus this year on teaching Social Emotional Learning lessons in the classroom. The program Second Step was adopted by the district and will be in use to guide instruction and discussions throughout the year. Students will learn to have empathy, manage emotions and solve problems in order to promote positive relationships with their teachers and peers and increase their feelings of school connectedness. Studies have shown that as students feel more connected to their school and peers they have more positive academic self-concepts, more motivation for academic success and more overall engagement for learning. Each month we will highlight for you a brief focus for the month to allow for continued conversations at home.  The Home Link pages will be linked to this section to support the discussion at home. 


Important Events

Please see the Calendar Page within this website for upcoming important events.  

Within the calendar you can find important events, event timeframes, and additional brief notes about many events. 

If looking for WC Accountability dates, please see Calendar Page as well.