Shop Bot


I designed and cut a pencil holder using Fusion and the Shop Bot.


Fusion 360 shotbot Pencil Holder
Shop Bot Instructions


(See presentation for more pictures!)

Pencil Holder Progression


I made a pencil holder in Fusion and with the ShopBot. When creating the design, I learned how to set up the CAM aspect of Fusion which will be helpful in future projects. I also got to experiment with more design aspects of fusion. I had a lot of fun when creating my holes. I felt like I could express my creativity more. I struggles when setting the ShopBot, but with practice, I limited the use of the mouse and become more fluid in the program. I learned to insert my wood, orientate the x, y, z axis, download my code, and start the cutting. I felt like I was successful in sanding the rough sides of my holder! I did not use the large sander, but I used fine grit sand paper. This worked well to smooth the sides without scratching the holder. Overall, I enjoyed this new type of project!