Study Helper


My project functions to create a conducive study environment for the user. The program offers reminders and breaks to maintain a healthy mental state!

I created this project with the help of Elizabeth Kreshon, my CompSci partner!


I am extremely proud of my pop-up comment script! The script shows a randomized message at different points in the study period. This was by far the most difficult part of my project, but once I figured out how to use the list feature in Scratch, I could easily satisfy the requirement!

The most important thing I learned from this project was how to incorporate a timer and time limit into a project. I presume this will be helpful in future projects! To make the timer, I created two variables, one set to a certain value (time limit) and one that started at 0 and increased by 1 every second (timer). Once the two variables were equal, I stopped the script.

The program is not intended for study period shorter than 1 minute. (Program reminders will be too close together or will not have enough time to say all the reminders!) I would like to create a way for the program to decide how many messages to broadcast given a short time period. I believe I could utilize the <,> blocks for certain amounts of time. Also, the timer is not accurate enough to show figures more precise than the ones place for seconds. (Minutes can be more precise!) I want to use the actual timer in the sensing category to get a more accurate reading!


Introduces program.

Asks user questions about the session's duration and frequency.

Backdrop Settings

Includes timer, break, and endscreen activators.

Pop-up Message Settings

Says comments evenly throughout given study time. Offers Never, Few, Sometimes, and Often choices. List of messages includes: Water break! Stretch! Check instagram! Get a snack! Walk around! Catch up with your partner (if you have one)! Clean up! Take a nap!


Abstractions for Break, Timer, and Reminer Sound blocks