
In a group of four 9th grade girls, I created a project that would decrease the usage of non-renewable energy by creating a source of energy in stadium seats.

Our group (ElectroHawks) utilized electromagnetic induction in folding stadium seats. When a stadium seat is released, a coil will move inside a fixed copper coil to generate energy.

This will be utilized to help power the stadium lights. Eventually, we hope to create a closed loop within the stadium which will dramatically reduce our carbon footprint.


Through these calculations, we found our device could produce 2,100 volts per game. Given that an average stadium will use 10,000 volts per game, we can account for 1/5 of the total voltage needed. In future prototypes, we hope to increase our voltage production with thicker wire, longer coils, and stronger magnets.

My team is going to DC over the summer to present our project at Nationals. (We are the Southeast Winners!)

Pictures from Nationals