Emoji Generator


Our program analyzes user input to consistently generate a relevant emoji that fits the user’s emotions.

I created this project with the help of Jenna Bowman, my CompSci partner!


I am extremely proud of my random.choice function. I researched the random python library and its corralling functions. Using the random.choice function, I was able to implement a semi-random emoji generation.

The most important thing I learned from this project was the syntax of comment commands in python. I learned how to write if then statements, while statements, lists, and input statements. While similar to the scratch format, I found I had to be much more careful with smaller things like commas and capitalization.

The program is limited to a list of 8 emojis. Because of this, the emotions of the user had to be broad and unspecific. If I had more time to improve my project, I would add more emojis to allow the user a more representative output. I would also look into creating a more aesthetic final project instead of just text on a screen.

Random.Choice Function

8 Emojis Used